Another week, another batch of cool news. Let’s start.
2021 Ig Nobels are here
And there is a lot of curious stuff going on! I particularly liked the Economics, Chemistry, and Physics prizes, because they hold interesting science behind the shocking titles. I hope this is the last year they have to do the ceremony online, though.
Sex can relieve nasal congestion, and other work honored by 2021 Ig Nobels, on ars technica
Hold it!
This week El Salvador adopted Bitcoin as one of their legal coins, and surprisingly its value has been «quite» volatile (around 10% drop in a single day). There were also some problems regarding electronic wallets, and there have been quite a lot of protests in the country against this measure. I am really curious about how this will turn out, and who knows, maybe sometime soon we have a longer list of countries where you can officially use this kind of currency…
El Salvador’s world-first adoption of bitcoin endures bumpy first day, on reuters
Crypto exchanges struggle as El Salvador adopts Bitcoin, on the verge
Fear is the mindkiller
My body is ready for this one. Yours should be too. By the way, this is the best thing I have ever listened from Zimmer. I can’t wait to hear what he did for the actual film.
You Can Now Listen to Hans Zimmers’ Dune Sketchbook Soundtrack, on
9/11, 20 years after
It’s been 20 years, and while many things have changed, many more have not. A very nice read on they day everything changed but nothing changed.
The real lessons from 9/11, on the economist
The movie you never asked for but you will end up watching
I did not particularly enjoy the trailer, but Keanu is Keanu, and I am very curious about how are they going to film the action scenes. The original trilogy had amazing production, and it’s been more than 20 years of CGI advances…
And that’s it for the week. Stay safe!
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