Categoría: Papers
Large field-of-view non-invasive imaging through scattering layers using fluctuating random illumination
During my stay in Paris, one of the topics I have been working on is related to the problem of imaging objects hidden by scattering media. While seeing stuff through transparent materials is quite easy, the thing becomes much more complicated when light gets randomly deviated in all directions. This might seem quite a particular…
Additive manufacturing for the development of optical/photonic systems and components
Earlier this year, I was at Photonics Europe 2022 in Strasbourg. I had a lot of fun with many talks, but there was one topic that really piqued my interest: additive manufacturing. I have always been interested in 3D printing, and I know from experience how useful they can be: printing mechanical pieces in the…
Giga-voxel multidimensional fluorescence imaging combining single-pixel detection and data fusion
Some time ago I wrote a short post about using Data Fusion (DF) to perform some kind of Compressive Sensing (CS). We came with that idea when tackling a common problem in multidimensional imaging systems: the more you want to measure, the harder it gets. It is not only the fact that you need a…
Single pixel hyperspectral bioluminescence tomography based on compressive sensing
Really cool implementation of Single-pixel Imaging + Compressive Sensing from the people at University of Birmingham. Using hyperspectral data measured with a single-pixel spectrometer + tomographic reconstruction, they show that it is possible to perform Bioluminiscence Imaging. Nice to see that the topics I used to work keep showing super cool results. Single pixel hyperspectral…
Data fusion as a way to perform compressive sensing
Some time ago I started working on some kind of data fusion problem where we have access to several imaging systems working in parallel, each one gathering a different multidimensional dataset with mixed spectral, temporal, and/or spatial resolutions. The idea is to perform 4D imaging at high spectral, temporal, and spatial resolutions using some single-pixel/multi-pixel…
Instant ghost imaging: algorithm and on-chip implementation
Nice ghost imaging implementation on a chip. Even though the optical part has been quite well-known for a while, I really like the fact that more groups are starting to incorporate FPGA cards in their optical systems (if only they were easier to use!). Seems like a very interesting way of speeding-up the post-processing of…
Single frame wide-field Nanoscopy based on Ghost Imaging via Sparsity Constraints (GISC Nanoscopy)
This just got posted on the arXiv, and has some interesting ideas inside. Using a ground glass diffuser before a pixelated detector, and after a calibrating procedure where you measure the associated speckle patterns when scanning the sample plane, a single shot of the fluorescence signal speckle pattern can be used to retrieve high spatial…
Simultaneous multiplane imaging with reverberation multiphoton microscopy
Really nice pre-print by the people at Boston University, leaded by J. Mertz. Love the idea of generating ~infinite focal spots (until you run out of photons) inside a sample, and using a extremely fast single-pixel detector to recover the signal. Very original way to tackle volumetric imaging in bio-imaging! Simultaneous multiplane imaging with reverberation…