I am writing this at 22:30 and its 30º with ~80% humidity. So yes, I am finally back in Spain after one year without visiting. Not sure if the following weeks there will be any updates, but let’s keep the ball rolling while we can.
Ready Facebook One
If you like cyberpunk there is a big chance you know about Snow Crash. While I am not a big fan of the book, there are many ideas floating around there that are quite interesting, and it is probably the most famous book on the genre. Some years ago we got Ready Player One (the XXI century version of the book) and it was obviously worse and almost any aspect. Even more, while I could not image any way to make it worse, we got a movie adaptation and a second book. Anyway, it seems that some billionaires are not planning to go to space, but instead they want to make that dystopia real. And coming from Zuckerberg, I can’t wait to see the shitshow Facebook is gonna build. Get ready for disaster, people.
PS: it was all fun and laughs when Epic talked about a metaverse in Fortnite during the Apple vs Epic trial, but now we start to see other companies trying to go that route. Interesting times ahead…
Facebook announces Metaverse product group headed by Instagram VP Vishal Shah, on protocol
Mark Zuckerberg Wants To Build An Online «Metaverse» Accessible On All Game Consoles, on thegamer
Hi [customer_name], nice to have you back. Do you want your usual [customer_name_usual_food]?
It seems that there are many places where you can go to eat something, and the menu is digitally implemented by using a QR-code. By doing it this way, there is no need for interaction (so that’s a good thing you might think, we have corona after all), and they also need less people working there (that’s not so good?). Oh, and one last thing: they can also sell your data / use it for marketing. What a time to be alive.
QR Codes Are Here to Stay. So Is the Tracking They Allow, on the nytimes
On China and their industry decisions
Very interesting read on what does it mean to be a tech company, what value do tech companies really produce, and how different countries might have totally different views on that.
Why is China smashing its tech industry? in noahpinion
Google doing something nice?
I see on openculture that Google has been digitizing many many paintings at astonishing resolutions. Besides being super cool to «visit» virtually, I think it might be even useful for many interesting side projects (if I find some way to download them).
A Gallery of 1,800 Gigapixel Images of Classic Paintings: See Vermeer’s Girl with the Pearl Earring, Van Gogh’s Starry Night & Other Masterpieces in Close Detail, on openculture
Google Arts and Culture
And that’s it for the week (month?). Stay safe!
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