Etiqueta: TikTok
The Sandman influence, Crypto champions, and more: THE WEEKLY RECAP (2022#10)
Spring is almost here, and my allergies are making a good proof of that. Still focused mainly on the conflict in Ukraine, but with a few good articles on different topics. Let’s get to it. It’s the mystery that endures. Not the explanation The Sandman is truly a masterpiece. It is not only a good…
Secret Cosmere books, dreams of Californication, and more: THE WEEKLY RECAP (2022#09)
Lots of news this week. For the last few days I have been very focused on the conflict on Ukraine, and I was quite worried that the recap could seem a bit mono-thematic. However, I had the luck to come across interesting things to lighten up the mood a little. Let’s get to it: My…
Apple being Apple, TikTok research, and more: THE WEEKLY RECAP (2021#39)
Autumn is arriving, but we still have some sunlight every now and then. In any case, morning runs below 10º are common already… winter is coming. Research culture, and how to improve it Really nice couple articles on how research works nowadays, and which are some of the points we should try to improve to…