Etiqueta: Nintendo
¿Qué vas a jugar este fin de semana? 27.01.2024
Semana larga (parece que las vacaciones de Navidad fueron hace meses y resulta que Enero todavía no ha terminado), pero el finde se acerca y ando con dudas sobre lo que jugar estos dos días. Al final si que fui capaz de terminar (y sacar todos los logros, cosa que no suelo hacer) el juego…
El origami y dos innovaciones que no terminaron de cuajar
Esta mañana me he encontrado con este vídeo de pura casualidad: Resulta que en 2009, LEGO hizo una colaboración con MUJI en Japón, fruto de la cual salió una serie de sets que mezclaban las clásicas piezas de la compañía danesa con piezas fabricadas con papel. Puede parecer una chorrada, pero añadir un elemento tan…
Cerrando el círculo
A finales de 1998 llegó a nuestras manos The Legend of Zelda: Ocarina of Time (OoT), el primer título de la saga dirigido por Eiji Aonuma, que rápidamente se convirtió en un clásico amado tanto por el público como por la prensa. Si nos paramos a analizar OoT, vemos que es un juego totalmente rompedor…
Qatar World Cup, quettabytes, and more: THE WEEKLY RECAP (2022#47)
Packed week: recorded an episode for the podcast (Alien rules!), and managed to play a little bit of Pokémon (shame on you, GameFreak). Also had a bit of time to read a few interesting stories. Let’s start: Qatar: the World Cup Amazing documentary on the procedure that lead to the FIFA World Cub being hosted…
This is Spinal Tap, the invisible killer, and more: THE WEEKLY RECAP (2022#20)
Busy week at the lab, but things are going nicely. Heat wave going strong, with temperatures around 30 ºC in Paris for the whole week (quite high for this time of the year). Still, some interesting stuff to share. Let’s go: These go to 11 It seems like my favourite rockumentary will have a sequel…
Covid-29?, farewell to Ravenholm, and more: THE WEEKLY RECAP (2022#18)
Busy week in the lab, running experiments that worked quite well (cool!). Temperatures on the rise, and not a lot of rain in sight (cool cool!!). Finished The Rhythm of War, a book that destroyed me, just to re-build me from the pieces left (cool cool cool!!!). Anyway, let’s share some reads for the weekend:…
The Sandman influence, Crypto champions, and more: THE WEEKLY RECAP (2022#10)
Spring is almost here, and my allergies are making a good proof of that. Still focused mainly on the conflict in Ukraine, but with a few good articles on different topics. Let’s get to it. It’s the mystery that endures. Not the explanation The Sandman is truly a masterpiece. It is not only a good…
Facecrap, Bezosism, and more: THE WEEKLY RECAP (2021#37)
Really packed week, so let’s start right away. Another year, another amazing contest of scientific photography. I particularly liked the third place, though all the images are really impressive. 2021 PHOTOMICROGRAPHY COMPETITION, on nikonsmallworld Nintendo being Nintendo Honestly, I thought that after 4 years they were not going to add bluetooth support for headphones, even…