Etiqueta: Machine Learning

  • AI therapy, the new tech giants, and more: THE WEEKLY RECAP (2021#52)

    AI therapy, the new tech giants, and more: THE WEEKLY RECAP (2021#52)

    Bye bye 2021, crossing fingers for a better 2022. This week I had the chance to catch up with my reading list (I had a feed of news that was more than 2 months old, lol), so there might be a few old links in here… MIT tech review pictures of the year Last week…

  • The great CEO exodus, and more: THE WEEKLY RECAP (2021#48)

    The great CEO exodus, and more: THE WEEKLY RECAP (2021#48)

    Already in December! The year almost finished without really noticing. Holidays are getting closer and closer (crossing fingers for the new Covid variant…). Lots of cool stuff this week: more crypto nonsense, interesting moves on Twitter, math curiosities and an impressive example of facial animation. Let’s start. Goodbye and thanks for all the fish This…

  • Recycling masks, detective dogs, and more: THE WEEKLY RECAP (2021#42)

    Recycling masks, detective dogs, and more: THE WEEKLY RECAP (2021#42)

    Crazy week for many reasons, so do not expect a lot of content. Anyway, let’s go ahead: Covid-19: bad for your lungs in many different ways I am not gonna introduce the pandemic to anyone, but maybe some of you did not realize that besides the direct health issues that the virus brought, problems on…

  • More Bezosism, Nixon deepfakes, and more: THE WEEKLY RECAP (2021#40)

    More Bezosism, Nixon deepfakes, and more: THE WEEKLY RECAP (2021#40)

    Quite a lot going on this week. Massive leaks, Nobel prizes, deepfakes, Facebook being shamed everywhere… let’s start. Can you tell the difference? Does it really matter? Cool technology being shown by the people at MIT. Of course, deepfakes are not something new, and this one in particular is not over the top in quality…

  • Netflix and the chocolate factory, AI controlling funding, and more: THE WEEKLY RECAP (2021#38)

    Netflix and the chocolate factory, AI controlling funding, and more: THE WEEKLY RECAP (2021#38)

    So, this week we have quite a lot of different stuff. Let’s get to it. Could you please stop doing that Is Netflix going to destroy some of the best books ever written? My bet is a big yes. At least I hope Dahl’s family will enjoy the money… Netflix Acquires Roald Dahl Story Company,…

  • The weekly recap (2021#18)

    The weekly recap (2021#18)

    Hectic week… sometimes unexpected tasks jeopardize you schedule. Coming back to normal now I hope. Anyway, really interesting stuff has been happening for the past few days. Let’s delve into it: Apple vs the world: episode #1 Recently Apple changed the way its users are noticed about how some apps track their information. This perturbation…

  • the Weekly recap

    the Weekly recap

    Let’s see for how long can I do this section this time… Lots of really cool stuff happening right now to be honest. I hope this short recap is interesting! Another one bites the dust This week we found out that Yahoo! Answers is shutting down. Another cool site from an old internet era that…

  • Weekly recap (29/04/2018)

    This week we have a lot of interesting stuff: Observing the cell in its native state: Imaging subcellular dynamics in multicellular organisms Adaptive Optics + Light Sheet Microscopy to see living cells inside the body of a Zebra fish (the favorite fish of biologists!). Really impressive images overcoming scattering caused by tissue. You can read…