Etiqueta: Cyberpunk
Jóvenes fumando líquidos con sabores de una especie de pincho USB porque fumar tabaco está pasado de moda. Las 8 de la mañana. Una chica mirando más de 50 tiktoks en un trayecto de 15 minutos en autobús a la universidad. Familias en contra de las vacunas, defensoras de los remedios naturales y la homeopatía,…
Losing is fun, FORM, and more: THE WEEKLY RECAP (2022#49)
So much stuff and so little time! Really crawling through this last couple weeks before holidays. Let’s start: Cyberpunk 2022 Back in February (time flies) I shared an article about people with cybernetic eye implants losing them when the company went bankrupt. To my surprise, this week I saw this article on Nature talking about…
Cyberpunk fashion, Pillars of Creation, and more: THE WEEKLY RECAP (2022#42)
Not a lot of free time during the week, so this will be a short one. Implants are slowly getting there, the fashion world draws from video games, Halloween is almost here, the James Webb keeps delivering, and a cool story about the oldest night sky map ever found. Let’s start: Bionic noses This year…
LOTR, Cyberblinds, and more: THE WEEKLY RECAP (2022#07)
Quite a slow week on the news side, mainly waiting for ww3 to start? Anyway, work is going quite good recently, and there are a couple cool links to share. Let’s start: Cool gamepad mods Pretty nice mod on a playstation gamepad in order to play with just a hand. It reminded me of the…