Etiqueta: 3D
China protests, Robot Police, and more: THE WEEKLY RECAP (2022#48)
December is here, and with it the year is coming to an end (that was fast!). This week, a few links on the way China is handling Covid and its people protesting; the US going pedal to the metal into cyberpunk, and a cool demonstration of Neural Radiance Fields. Let’s start: 1984 For the past…
Toward Depth Estimation Using Mask-Based Lensless Cameras
I just discovered on a new paper by M. Asif, one of the guys behind the FlatCam. Toward Depth Estimation Using Mask-Based Lensless Cameras, M. Asif, submitted November 9th, (featured image extracted from Fig.1 of the manuscript) Abstract: Recently, coded masks have been used to demonstrate a thin form-factor lensless camera, FlatCam, in which a…