Categoría: Recap
Mirando atrás: lo mejor de 2024
El año que termina ha sido, sin duda alguna, un año de cambios para mí. Un año en el que decidí volver a casa tras una larga estancia en el extranjero, un año en el que he aprendido mucho tanto a nivel profesional como personal, cuyas enseñanzas siguen resonando en mi cabeza y que posiblemente…
Pasando revista al 2023: libros, series, videojuegos, cine…
Otro año más, otra lista de cosillas que me han resultado interesantes. Empecemos con las series: Scavengers Reign Claramente inspirada por Moebius y su Incal, Scavengers Reign es un paseo fantástico por un mundo alienígena. Si bien hacia el final de la serie eché en falta una historia con algo más de chicha, tiene momentos…
Spy Roombas, invisible frogs, and more: THE WEEKLY RECAP (2022#51)
Last one before the end of the year recap, where I will try to write about the things I enjoyed the most this year in different topics, as usual. Let’s start: AI and the information age Two interesting reads this week on AI and automation. First, what is going to happen when future generations of…
Strike the Earth!, Fusion, and more: THE WEEKLY RECAP (2022#50)
Just. Keep. Going. One. Week. Until. Holidays… It’s over The day has finally arrived. I have been quietly watching how the platform was degrading for a few weeks, and last night we reached a climax. First, the Devil banned the account covering his private jet flights. Then he started banning journalists reporting his misdeeds. Last,…
Losing is fun, FORM, and more: THE WEEKLY RECAP (2022#49)
So much stuff and so little time! Really crawling through this last couple weeks before holidays. Let’s start: Cyberpunk 2022 Back in February (time flies) I shared an article about people with cybernetic eye implants losing them when the company went bankrupt. To my surprise, this week I saw this article on Nature talking about…
China protests, Robot Police, and more: THE WEEKLY RECAP (2022#48)
December is here, and with it the year is coming to an end (that was fast!). This week, a few links on the way China is handling Covid and its people protesting; the US going pedal to the metal into cyberpunk, and a cool demonstration of Neural Radiance Fields. Let’s start: 1984 For the past…
Qatar World Cup, quettabytes, and more: THE WEEKLY RECAP (2022#47)
Packed week: recorded an episode for the podcast (Alien rules!), and managed to play a little bit of Pokémon (shame on you, GameFreak). Also had a bit of time to read a few interesting stories. Let’s start: Qatar: the World Cup Amazing documentary on the procedure that lead to the FIFA World Cub being hosted…