Categoría: Papers

  • Inverse Scattering via Transmission Matrices: Broadband Illumination and Fast Phase Retrieval Algorithms

    Interesting paper by people at Rice and Northwestern universities about different phase retrieval algorithms for measuring transmission matrices without using interferometric techniques. The thing with interferometers is that they provide you lots of cool stuff (high sensibility, phase information, etc.), but also involve quite a lot of technical problems that you do not want to…

  • De-scattering with Excitation Patterning (DEEP) Enables Rapid Wide-field Imaging Through Scattering Media

    Very interesting stuff from the people at MIT regarding imaging through scattering media. Recently, multiple approaches taking advantage of temporal focusing (TF) increased efficiency inside scattering media when using two-photon microscopy have been published, and this goes a step further. Here, the authors use wide-field structured illumination, in combination with TF, to obtain images with…

  • Rapid broadband characterization of scattering medium using hyperspectral imaging

    People at LKB (and St. Andrews) keep shining light into scattering media. This time, they have developed a cool approach for measuring the multispectral Transmission Matrix (MSTM) of a medium. This knowledge allows to control each spectral component of a light beam when travelling through the medium, which permits to shape, for example, the spectral…

  • Compressive optical imaging with a photonic lantern

    New single-pixel camera design, but this time using multicore fibers (MCF) and a photonic lantern instead of a spatial light modulator. Cool! The fundamental idea is to excite one of the cores of a MCF. Then, light propagates through the fiber, which has a photonic lantern at the tip that generates a random-like light pattern at its tip. Exciting different cores…

  • Single-pixel imaging with sampling distributed over simplex vertices

    Last week I posted a recently uploaded paper on using positive-only patterns in a single-pixel imaging system. Today I just found another implementation looking for the same objective. This time the authors (from University of Warsaw, leaded by Rafał Kotyński) introduce the idea of simplexes, or how any point in some N-dimensional space can be…

  • Handling negative patterns for fast single-pixel lifetime imaging

    A group of researchers working in France and USA, leaded by N. Ducros, has uploaded an interesting paper this week. When doing single-pixel imaging, one of the most important aspects you need to take into account is the kind of structured patters (functions) you are going to use. This is quite relevant because it is…

  • Wavefront correction in two-photon microscopy with a multi-actuator adaptive lens

    The group leaded by P. Artal at Murcia University has recently published an interesting paper related to adaptive optics using an adaptive lens. When working in a real scenario, imperfections in the optical elements you use or just the objects you want to image introduce optical aberrations in the pictures you obtain. Usually these aberrations reduce…

  • Weekly recap (29/04/2018)

    This week we have a lot of interesting stuff: Observing the cell in its native state: Imaging subcellular dynamics in multicellular organisms Adaptive Optics + Light Sheet Microscopy to see living cells inside the body of a Zebra fish (the favorite fish of biologists!). Really impressive images overcoming scattering caused by tissue. You can read…