Etiqueta: wearables

  • Watering your watch, farewell to Nibel, and more: THE WEEKLY RECAP (2022#44)

    Watering your watch, farewell to Nibel, and more: THE WEEKLY RECAP (2022#44)

    Not a lot going on lately (mostly centered on work these days), but still a couple cool links and some shocking news. Let’s start: Watering your watch? Cute study that really made me think. A groupp of researchers designed simple wearables that, instead of being just made of electronics, required a living organism to properly…

  • 404, Robotaxis, and more: THE WEEKLY RECAP (2021#29)

    404, Robotaxis, and more: THE WEEKLY RECAP (2021#29)

    OnE wEeK uNtIl HoLiDaYs. LET’S GO! Trump or gangbang? Funny story of the week. It seems that an old YouTube competitor was storing many videos for different media outlets. This is fine, except when the service dies and the domain is sold to a porn website. After that, you start having porn videos instead of…