Etiqueta: Steam
Cult of the Lamb – Análisis
Fecha de salida: 11 de Agosto, 2022Género: Fusión de Roguelike y GestiónVersión jugada: 1.0.8Duración: ~15 horas (dificultad jugada: difícil) Durante la última década, muchos estudios independientes han explorado todos y cada uno de los rincones de un selecto grupo de géneros. Por ejemplo, desde que Derek Yu publicó Spelunky, los aficionados a los roguelikes hemos…
Secret Cosmere books, dreams of Californication, and more: THE WEEKLY RECAP (2022#09)
Lots of news this week. For the last few days I have been very focused on the conflict on Ukraine, and I was quite worried that the recap could seem a bit mono-thematic. However, I had the luck to come across interesting things to lighten up the mood a little. Let’s get to it: My…
Billion dollar dreams, Stadia’s fall? and more: THE WEEKLY RECAP (2021#28)
Fully vaccinated (finally!) and one week closer to holidays. Let’s do this! A new screen, the worst possible name ever, an ethernet port for the dock (wow, 2021 guys), and the same broken joycons. I was not expecting 4k 120fps as some crazy people on the internet, but maybe their own videogames without frame drops?…