Etiqueta: Russia
Saving the rainforest, AI multiplication, and more: THE WEEKLY RECAP (2022#40)
Extremely packed week. Lots of stuff happening at the same time in the world (Nobel prizes, Tesla robots, AI learning to do matrix multiplications really well), but also at home (new lab, here I come!). Let’s get to it: Do the robot🤖 In the same week, we had robot presentations (nothing too interesting there, to…
China being hacked, green energy?, and more: THE WEEKLY RECAP (2022#27)
Hardly finding some time to read these days, and almost even harder to write a post… I am in need of holidays. Let’s start: The biggest hack ever? The numbers here are astonishing. Almost one thousand million people’s data being hacked is no joke, and to make things worse, it seems that it was not…
AI regulation, 3D displays, and more: THE WEEKLY RECAP (2022#19)
Summer is here! Temperatures on the rise (we almost reached 30ºC for a couple days), and rain seems to be over (not saying that too loud, I do not want to jinx it). Lots of interesting news this week, so let’s get to it. A dinner with Myxomycetes Really nice macro photographies of slime moulds.…
Old man Kirby, Twitter might be doomed, and more: THE WEEKLY RECAP (2022#17)
Back in Paris, where temperatures are nice but blue skies are some kind of mythological animal, it seems. Anyway, at least I did not have a lot of trouble with the allergies and the dirty air this time. Quite packed week at work (and it will probably get worse in the coming months), but still…
A nice r/place, AlphaFold’s future, and more: THE WEEKLY RECAP (2022#15)
Back to Spain for a break, hungry for good food and some sun. Also a good time to see the folks, as the pandemic seems to be quite controlled around. Anyway, there has been quite a lot of interesting stuff, so let’s get to it: Welcome back to the 2000’s This was quite cool, and…
Unlimited Love, mass bleaching events, and more: THE WEEKLY RECAP (2022#13)
Quite a busy week at work, and tomorrow I am traveling to Strasbourg for some days to assist my first conference since the pandemic started. Very few links to share, and probably next week will be even more brief. Say goodbye to corals Last week I talked about the extreme temperature changes that were recorded…