Etiqueta: Red Hot Chili Peppers
Unlimited Love, mass bleaching events, and more: THE WEEKLY RECAP (2022#13)
Quite a busy week at work, and tomorrow I am traveling to Strasbourg for some days to assist my first conference since the pandemic started. Very few links to share, and probably next week will be even more brief. Say goodbye to corals Last week I talked about the extreme temperature changes that were recorded…
Secret Cosmere books, dreams of Californication, and more: THE WEEKLY RECAP (2022#09)
Lots of news this week. For the last few days I have been very focused on the conflict on Ukraine, and I was quite worried that the recap could seem a bit mono-thematic. However, I had the luck to come across interesting things to lighten up the mood a little. Let’s get to it: My…
Sony’s Destiny, Leonardo’s telescope, and more: THE WEEKLY RECAP (2022#05)
Really packed week. Maybe some good job-related news in the near future? Crossing fingers. Also, more and more deadlines incoming, and winter is hitting quite hard during the past few days: Spring, come save us soon. A matter of Destiny? Who would have thought that, after creating the most iconic Xbox IP (Halo), Bungie would…