Etiqueta: Photonics

  • The real trombone champ, Google’s special treatment, and more: THE WEEKLY RECAP (2022#39)

    The real trombone champ, Google’s special treatment, and more: THE WEEKLY RECAP (2022#39)

    Lots of funny stories this week. Trombone Champ is blowing it, Jack Dorsey is a maniac, AI keeps spreading over all the aspects of our life, Google manages to be evil again, and people are finally starting to take action against the nonsensical fashion industry. Let’s start: The real trombone champ That was quick! People…

  • Hearing with light, saying hello to coal (again), and more: THE WEEKLY RECAP (2022#29)

    Hearing with light, saying hello to coal (again), and more: THE WEEKLY RECAP (2022#29)

    Lots of interesting stuff to share. A farewell to one of the most clever game studios out there, the latest advances in optoelectronics, another take on how humans will end up exterminating ourselves, and how scientists plan to improve weather forecast with the help of turtles are just a few of the links this week.…

  • Simultaneous multiplane imaging with reverberation multiphoton microscopy

    Really nice pre-print by the people at Boston University, leaded by J. Mertz. Love the idea of generating ~infinite focal spots (until you run out of photons) inside a sample, and using a extremely fast single-pixel detector to recover the signal. Very original way to tackle volumetric imaging in bio-imaging! Simultaneous multiplane imaging with reverberation…

  • Compressive optical imaging with a photonic lantern

    New single-pixel camera design, but this time using multicore fibers (MCF) and a photonic lantern instead of a spatial light modulator. Cool! The fundamental idea is to excite one of the cores of a MCF. Then, light propagates through the fiber, which has a photonic lantern at the tip that generates a random-like light pattern at its tip. Exciting different cores…

  • Wavefront correction in two-photon microscopy with a multi-actuator adaptive lens

    The group leaded by P. Artal at Murcia University has recently published an interesting paper related to adaptive optics using an adaptive lens. When working in a real scenario, imperfections in the optical elements you use or just the objects you want to image introduce optical aberrations in the pictures you obtain. Usually these aberrations reduce…

  • Weekly recap (29/04/2018)

    This week we have a lot of interesting stuff: Observing the cell in its native state: Imaging subcellular dynamics in multicellular organisms Adaptive Optics + Light Sheet Microscopy to see living cells inside the body of a Zebra fish (the favorite fish of biologists!). Really impressive images overcoming scattering caused by tissue. You can read…

  • The week in papers (22/04/18)

    As a way to keep posts going, I am starting a short recap about interesting papers being published (or being discovered) every now and then. Probably I will write longer posts about some of them in the future. Let’s get this thing going: Two papers using ‘centroid estimation‘ to retrieve interesting information: Extract voice information…