Etiqueta: OpenAI
La soja, la IA y la excusa definitiva para que te compres otro smartphone
Hace unos días, durante la WWDC24, Apple anunció a bombo y platillo la integración de distintas tecnologías basadas en Inteligencia Artificial (IA) en sus dispositivos. Como de costumbre, y esto ya me parece una anécdota graciosa a estas alturas, evitaron llamarlo IA y utilizaron el término Apple Intelligence. No es la primera vez (ni será…
Strike the Earth!, Fusion, and more: THE WEEKLY RECAP (2022#50)
Just. Keep. Going. One. Week. Until. Holidays… It’s over The day has finally arrived. I have been quietly watching how the platform was degrading for a few weeks, and last night we reached a climax. First, the Devil banned the account covering his private jet flights. Then he started banning journalists reporting his misdeeds. Last,…
World fondue championship, smart AI’s, and more: THE WEEKLY RECAP (2022#21)
Another week has passed, and summer time is getting closer and closer. Let’s hope the following weeks end up being productive and I can share some good news. Let’s start with the links this week, which group the topics of 3D printing, machine learning, food, and astrobiology: 3D printing takes the smart route A very…