Etiqueta: N
Publish or go home, ramen coins, driving is hard, and more: THE WEEKLY RECAP (2021#27)
Another week, another batch of nice reads. Three more until summer holidays! Let’s start. Life finds a way As every month, astonishing bundle of science-related images, with amazing stories behind. Sea snot, stars and sleeping elephants — June’s best science images, on nature Publish or die Really happy to see that people are catching up…
Cheap cyberpunk, reading with Alexa, LEGO microscopes, and more: THE WEEKLY RECAP (2021#26)
One less week until summer holydays. Let’s go! You can film all you want I’ve had this conversation many times with some friends: what is your favourite science-fiction genre? Some of them usually say: cyberpunk. And every time, I told them the same: that should not count, we already live in that scenario. Exhibit #N:…