Etiqueta: Mark Zuckerberg
Arecibo’s end, meta-legs, and more: THE WEEKLY RECAP (2022#41)
Autumn arrived and it hit hard. Writing this from the bed under my blanket, with a hot tea besides me. This week I want to share just three stories: the end of Arecibo’s telescope, a moral debate regarding research on animals, and the latest gamble from the creator of Facebook. Let’s start: Collapsing history A…
Lost ships, the eye of Sauron, and more: THE WEEKLY RECAP (2022#14)
Full week at a conference, so basically no news/links on my side. However, going back to meet people face to face was amazing. Super cool talks, nice food, and my body clearly saying to me that I am not used to being far from home for a full week anymore. Nature’s images of the month.…