Etiqueta: Glaciers
Saving the rainforest, AI multiplication, and more: THE WEEKLY RECAP (2022#40)
Extremely packed week. Lots of stuff happening at the same time in the world (Nobel prizes, Tesla robots, AI learning to do matrix multiplications really well), but also at home (new lab, here I come!). Let’s get to it: Do the robot🤖 In the same week, we had robot presentations (nothing too interesting there, to…
A drop in the ocean, crypto colonialism, and more: THE WEEKLY RECAP (2022#16)
Slow week (holidays), but still managed to read some cool stuff. Let’s start: 1-hour delivery! To your door! At no additional cost! Not much to say, honestly. Apparently, getting to 55$ billion in sales by using cheap labour and stealing from sellers it is not enough to make a profit for Amazon. Having tax havens…
Liquid walls: the science behind The Wall from Game of Thrones
Last week I noticed that HBO is celebrating the ten year anniversary of the airing of Game of Thrones. As a big fan of the books, I paused a bit to think and realized that I never wrote anything on the science that we can see in either the books or the tv show, so…