Etiqueta: Facebook
Watering your watch, farewell to Nibel, and more: THE WEEKLY RECAP (2022#44)
Not a lot going on lately (mostly centered on work these days), but still a couple cool links and some shocking news. Let’s start: Watering your watch? Cute study that really made me think. A groupp of researchers designed simple wearables that, instead of being just made of electronics, required a living organism to properly…
Arecibo’s end, meta-legs, and more: THE WEEKLY RECAP (2022#41)
Autumn arrived and it hit hard. Writing this from the bed under my blanket, with a hot tea besides me. This week I want to share just three stories: the end of Arecibo’s telescope, a moral debate regarding research on animals, and the latest gamble from the creator of Facebook. Let’s start: Collapsing history A…
The real trombone champ, Google’s special treatment, and more: THE WEEKLY RECAP (2022#39)
Lots of funny stories this week. Trombone Champ is blowing it, Jack Dorsey is a maniac, AI keeps spreading over all the aspects of our life, Google manages to be evil again, and people are finally starting to take action against the nonsensical fashion industry. Let’s start: The real trombone champ That was quick! People…
The death of social media, harvesting cloned organs, and more: THE WEEKLY RECAP (2022#31)
Holidays are here, but before I leave for a few weeks (do not expect a lot of content during the rest of August), there are a few cool links that I want to share. Let’s start: IKEA-mobile Useless hacks are always the coolest. Controlling your sofa with a Wii nunchuck? Why would you want to…
Lost ships, the eye of Sauron, and more: THE WEEKLY RECAP (2022#14)
Full week at a conference, so basically no news/links on my side. However, going back to meet people face to face was amazing. Super cool talks, nice food, and my body clearly saying to me that I am not used to being far from home for a full week anymore. Nature’s images of the month.…
Blah, blah, blah; Bezosism moves, and more: THE WEEKLY RECAP (2021#46)
Super interesting news this week. The Climate Change Conference ended and it kinda sucked (as expected). Amazon keeps screwing around (as expected). The metaverse is coming, and its start is not really impressive (as expected). On the bright side, a couple really cool articles on eyeglasses and the press. Let’s start: The invisible tech Good…
Human history, the metaverse, and more: THE WEEKLY RECAP (2021#43)
Autumn is here (gonna miss the sun for a while now…), but there is a lot of interesting stuff to read while indoors. Let’s start: How did we get stuck? Really nice review about an upcoming book written by David Graeber and David Wengrow, about how societies came to be the way they are now.…
More Bezosism, Nixon deepfakes, and more: THE WEEKLY RECAP (2021#40)
Quite a lot going on this week. Massive leaks, Nobel prizes, deepfakes, Facebook being shamed everywhere… let’s start. Can you tell the difference? Does it really matter? Cool technology being shown by the people at MIT. Of course, deepfakes are not something new, and this one in particular is not over the top in quality…