Etiqueta: Disco Elysium

  • En busca de la magia perdida

    En busca de la magia perdida

    Este verano, charlando con un amigo con el que hacía mucho tiempo que no coincidía, me preguntó si había visto alguna serie o película que pudiera recomendar. Tras unos segundos de silenció, la respuesta fue «no me acuerdo de la última vez que fui al cine». Los dos nos reímos y pasamos a hablar de…

  • 2022 in review: a bit of everything

    2022 in review: a bit of everything

    As 2022 comes to a close, I like to reflect on the things I enjoyed during the year. I try to focus on things that were released in the past 12 months, but some categories, such as books, are very difficult to summarize in this way. In the end, I decided to include things that…

  • The Sandman influence, Crypto champions, and more: THE WEEKLY RECAP (2022#10)

    The Sandman influence, Crypto champions, and more: THE WEEKLY RECAP (2022#10)

    Spring is almost here, and my allergies are making a good proof of that. Still focused mainly on the conflict in Ukraine, but with a few good articles on different topics. Let’s get to it. It’s the mystery that endures. Not the explanation The Sandman is truly a masterpiece. It is not only a good…