Etiqueta: DeepMind
Saving the rainforest, AI multiplication, and more: THE WEEKLY RECAP (2022#40)
Extremely packed week. Lots of stuff happening at the same time in the world (Nobel prizes, Tesla robots, AI learning to do matrix multiplications really well), but also at home (new lab, here I come!). Let’s get to it: Do the robot🤖 In the same week, we had robot presentations (nothing too interesting there, to…
AlphaFold’s feat, Alzheimer’s fraud, and more: THE WEEKLY RECAP (2022#30)
One week until holidays, so quite a busy schedule in the lab, trying to finish as much as possible before the break. This week we have some interesting links on image manipulation, climate change, remote sensing by using fibers, and a cool application of Artificial Intelligence. Let’s start: Nothing to see here A piece of…
World fondue championship, smart AI’s, and more: THE WEEKLY RECAP (2022#21)
Another week has passed, and summer time is getting closer and closer. Let’s hope the following weeks end up being productive and I can share some good news. Let’s start with the links this week, which group the topics of 3D printing, machine learning, food, and astrobiology: 3D printing takes the smart route A very…