Nice ghost imaging implementation on a chip. Even though the optical part has been quite well-known for a while, I really like the fact that more groups are starting to incorporate FPGA cards in their optical systems (if only they were easier to use!). Seems like a very interesting way of speeding-up the post-processing of the signal in order to obtain the final image. How long until we see compressive sensing and/or machine learning on a chip?

Instant ghost imaging: algorithm and on-chip implementation
Ghost imaging (GI) is an imaging technique that uses the correlation between two light beams to reconstruct the image of an object. Conventional GI algorithms require large memory space to store the measured data and perform complicated offline calculations, limiting practical applications of GI. Here we develop an instant ghost imaging (IGI) technique with a differential algorithm and an implemented high-speed on-chip IGI hardware system. This algorithm uses the signal between consecutive temporal measurements to reduce the memory requirements without degradation of image quality compared with conventional GI algorithms. The on-chip IGI system can immediately reconstruct the image once the measurement finishes; there is no need to rely on post-processing or offline reconstruction. This system can be developed into a realtime imaging system. These features make IGI a faster, cheaper, and more compact alternative to a conventional GI system and make it viable for practical applications of GI.
By Zhe Yang, Wei-Xing Zhang, Yi-Pu Liu, Dong Ruan, and Jun-Lin Li, at Optics Express
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